Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What is Andrew Helmick all about?

 A player full of humble faith,
remembering that no matter what happens,
it's all in God's hands.
 A player who never said never and always had
his mom standing along with him.
She made it to every single college game,
including one in North Dakota!
Go Jeanie Go!
 A team player!
 Someone willing to do whatever it takes to make it!
 And willing to go anywhere to do just that!
 A player who never forgets his friends!
 A player who shares his success with
the mom who never stopped supporting him and his dreams.
Who has a family that believes in him.
A player who loves and values
the bonds he shares with his family.
 And the family members who love
every step of his journey!
 Most importantly, he is a player
who knows that although an NFL team may sign his paycheck,
it's the fans who count and who are what it's all about!
 Because he was there!
 A player who was young once and full of dreams!
A player with a work ethic that started early
and continues to this very day.
And a player who is not afraid to give back
to those who deserve it.
He is humble.
He is talented.
He is driven.
He is dedicated.
He is all about the grind.
Instead of clubs, he stays and runs
stadium steps.
Instead of parties,
he stays and learns playbooks.
Instead of taking time off,
he stays and practices
He is..  What the NFL needs.
He is..
Andrew Helmick.
Go Andy Go!

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